A call for connection
We live in a world of islands drifting further and further apart. A world in which we are always online, but less connected. A world in which we talk about the other, but think mainly about ourselves. A world in which we stand opposite each other instead of side by side. We need inclusion more than ever, because who are we without one another?
No man is an island
Every society needs places that come alive, helping us find each other. Where we find ourselves. Sometimes it’s planned, sometimes it’s completely unexpected. We need safe havens that connect us. Places where you feel comfortable and can dream, meet, debate and learn endlessly. Where you can be alone, but never feel lonely. A place you can always turn – and return to. Everyone deserves a safe space that feels like a home away from home. That’s not just what we believe in. It’s what we stand for.
A strong foundation forges a healthy society
We build on the thinking of inspired sociologists, philosophers, urban planners and architects who emphasize the importance of inclusive, public places. Yes, we create schools, theaters, community centers, office environments, museums, healthcare facilities, multifunctional venues and libraries. But more than that, we make connections, create interaction and release emotions. We offer an experience; exactly what makes living together so valuable.
Our core
We strive for an inclusive society. Open to the opinions of others, we ask and discuss. We promote and welcome the participation of minorities or groups that are often overlooked – both in our projects and our organization.
We bring you unexpected, out-of-the-box solutions. We expand the thinking of our clients, introducing new ideas while always keeping our focus on local identity. We facilitate the creative process with attention, understanding and patience.
We think big picture. Whether it’s qualitative and quantitative research, or human needs and wishes, everything is taken into consideration. As an interdisciplinary team, we oversee, connect and improve all elements that make our projects inclusive.
We say what we do and do what we say. Our communication is clear and holds your interest at its core. We provide insight into our organizational goals, activities and ways of working. We base our decisions on research.
We are dedicated to our clients – and our clients’ clients. Easy to approach and genuinely interested in the ups and downs of our projects – even beyond the finish line. We believe in the value of continuous learning.