The just opened new library of Goes, situated in the Dutch province Zeeland, is an inclusive, versatile Third Place where everyone can find something to do. Its interior, designed by
aatvos, reflects the city and regional country life. Users are invited to discover the enriching library program and to simply enjoy ‘time well spent’ in one of the numerous cocoons or at the café-like indoor terrace.
Goes Library, a branch of Bibliotheek Oosterschelde, moved to a new location and is now located next to the city’s theater, creating a concentration of cultural functions in the center. “We wanted to reposition the library as a revitalizing boost for civic life. Together with the library team and stakeholders we rebranded the library into a genuine Third Place: an instrument for urban renewal and improved socialization. To ensure its success as much as possible, several criteria must be met. Think of factors like the venue having low-threshold access, visibility, usability, safety, comfort, and a hospitable experience,” Aat Vos, Creative Director at includi explains.
In terms of comfort for its visitors, Goes Library truly goes the extra mile. Next to the described crucial standards, the includi team added a dash of informality. According to Aat Vos, needs the library to become a place that you visit for ‘time well spent’ instead of ‘time well saved’. Libraries have a commitment to inclusiveness like no other, and this is reflected in the interior. Just as people are unique individuals, the interior is a mix of moods, shapes, styles, spheres, space and order, look and feel. This vast spectrum of characteristics aims to satisfy the needs of patrons’ different characters. Aat Vos continues: “This library welcomes everyone. Whether young people, … [Read more via the downloadable below]